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Orisun est devenue AODT –Arenzi Orisun Digital Transformation.
Une marque innovante ambitionnant de devenir leader dans les solutions industrielles.
Get the right information at the right time, today and in the future: the Orisun-IoT 3.0 platform minimizes the risks associated with the continuous transformation of organizations.
The data is guaranteed through changes to remain consistent and traceable.
The ORISUN IoT platform interfaces with all the applications of a company, at the maintenance costs of a single project. Thanks to:
- a fast and secure processing of the collected data. Thats feeding your tools for: d’alerte, de pilotage et d’aide à la décision.
- its innovative digital twins technology simplifies field management and application maintenance while guaranteeing perfect traceability.
- its schema on read data management ensures just like a Datalake to present only relevant information while also preserving the raw data to be able in the future to answer any emerging questions.
- a white label or grey label distribution scheme which offers you the flexibility required for all your use cases and all of the needs of your branded applications
- its PAAS sales model enables any type of organization to conduct its operations at scale.

Orisun-IoT is available in the Cloud, On Premise and at the Edge. It is truely adapted to all needs.

The Orisun-IoT platform brings the power of digital twins and datalakes to SMEs as well as larger companies.
For the past 6 years, the team at Orisun has been anticipating the scaling up of the Internet of Things and its transformation into Web Of Things, also known as Web 3.0, where machines, connected or inanimate objects, interact intelligently with each other and with people to provide them with evermore useful services.
- In the web, The "concrete objects" are virtualized through their digital twins. We can think of connected objects but also more complex objects like machines, factories or cities.
- These virtual clones, the Digital twins make it easy to exchange data between applications as well as systems, effectively ending the need to organize data in silos.
- To quickly resolve issues, the digital twins allow people to abstract away from the technicalities and reason in the frame of reference of their business, with the objects they are familiar with.
- The data lake brings even more flexibility and scalability to this architecture. The two approaches combined enter into synergy and facilitate the day-to-day permanent transformation of organizations.
The Orisun-IoT platform puts an end to the compartmentalization of information and liberates from the material constraints related to connected objects
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Access our Webinar about the "Web Of Things"
Thanks to its services, technology and, above all, the expertise of its employees Orisun helps organisation globally in the new digitalized world to meet all their challenges.
Don't start from scratch.
Take advantage of our ready-to-use solutions and accelerate your time to market.
Transform the way your business operates by creating your own customized applications with the Orisun-IoT platform.
Tirez parti de votre succès et répétez l’expérience.
Orisun IoT est conçu pour évoluer avec vous, ce qui vous permet de vous développer sans que l’IoT historique soit un frein.
Menez des analyses plus pertinentes, automatisez votre réponse aux problèmes récurrents. Grâce à Orisun-IoT, prenez des décisions plus avisées en vous basant sur une connaissance renouvelée de vos utilisateurs et de leurs usages.
Pourquoi l’internet des objets est un atout dans les organisations ?
- New organization of the means of production
- Self-diagnosis and remote control
- Simulation of plant operation in real time
- Digitization of process runs
- Supply Chain Optimization
Technological Advantages
IoT, truly the cornerstone for the "factory of the future", gives a decisive competitive advantage. It enables real-time exchanges and impacts all business functions to facilitate their coordination and collaboration. It is therefore a source of productivity gains and operational efficiency for companies. The challenge of using Internet of Things technologies lies in collecting accurate data and transforming it into visualizable and analyzable metrics. The dashboards created provide employees with real-time control and allow for quick and efficient decision-making. This collected data will be able to be in the short, medium and long term analyzed and processed by operational intelligence.
Business Advantages
The IoT makes companies' and organizations' production more effective and efficient by offering the possibility to allocate and adapt, in real time, the resources or skills available to cope with rapid market changes or production contingencies. The information generated by the IoT creates knowledge: knowledge of customers, the environment, the company's processes... This knowledge constitutes value for the company. The main business advantages of the IoT allow to:
- Improve the value of existing products
- Develop new lines of smart products
- Provide an enhanced customer experience
- Develop new high value-added services
- Prepare for the transition towards a usage-based economy
- Develop “manufacturing as a service”
- Increase productivity & reduce operating costs
Managerial Advantages
- Improving employee safety
- Optimization of the operators motions & skills
- Increasing productivity & high value skills
- Greater autonomy and decision making
- Strengthening the strategy-execution interactions
- More efficiency in communications
Environmental and Social Advantages
- Optimization of energy and resource consumption
- Reduction in the use of paper
- Optimization of pesticide use
- Monitoring of chronic and acute air and water pollution
- Compliance with social distancing requirements.
IoT is an effective CSR and cost control tool as it allows companies to track their energy and resource consumption in real time in order to optimize them.
The Internet of Things raises the question of legal responsibilities related to digital identity, traceability, data protection, etc.
Another major challenge is to put in place an appropriate cybersecurity policy.